how it began

Growing up, sports and dance were an important part of my life. I was energized by the thrill and adrenaline of competing on the playing field, training with teammates, and performing on stage.

However, life took a sudden turn during a varsity flag football game when I made a sharp pivot, and tore my ACL.

Over the next decade, back-to-back ACL injuries led to five major knee surgeries. Through these experiences, I realized the importance of mindset, and how the mental side of injuries is a critical component of recovery, yet too often overlooked by healthcare.

While unable to walk, I began to contemplate ways to create a more positive recovery experience for athletes overcoming adversity. A vision came to mind of a community of athletes battling the injury obstacles together, motivating one another on the journey to the comeback. A community of athletes who “get it”, who could share tips and advice based on first-hand experience. 

Two weeks later, crutching into a subway elevator, I coincidentally found myself with two others also recovering from ACL reconstructions - one was on crutches as well, and the other had a DonJoy brace. We bonded instantly, sharing stories of our experiences, recovery tips, and helpful advice for the road to recovery. I came away feeling a boost of motivation for the journey to the comeback. This random, but positive encounter further encouraged me to believe in the power of connecting with athletes on the same ‘journey to a comeback’. Not long after, XCL was created which has since been rebranded to DefyOdds.

Thank you to all the pro athletes, Olympians, NCAA athletes, weekend warriors, and health professionals who have contributed and been supportive of this journey.

Michelle Yeap