perspectives - JULY 2018 - MICHELLE YEAP

rehab as a sport in itself

So we tore our ACL. We're devastated to find out that we'll be out of sports for about a year. As an athlete, our lives may have revolved around our sport, and we're now faced with this obstacle. 

We miss the adrenaline of being on the field/court/rink. We miss training with teammates. We miss the competitive spirit. It feels like it will be forever until we'll be back on the playing field. It can be really tough mentally. 

But what if we shift our mindset and redefine ACL rehab as a sport in itself?



We know it's not the same, but by changing the way we think of the recovery, a positive attitude will make a difference.

Research studies have shown that, "...patient psychological factors are predictive of ACL reconstructive outcomes. Self-confidence, optimism, and self-motivation are predictive of outcomes...". (see psychological impact)

We can view ACL rehab as a sport in itself:

  • Teammates: rehab therapist, surgeon, other athletes recovering from ACL injury

  • Season Duration: approximately 9-12 months (varies)

  • Goal: to score a comeback

  • Training: train daily to achieve optimal results

  • Supporters: DefyOdds Community, family, friends, teammates

  • Compete with yourself to be better than yesterday

We can still work up a sweat with rehab exercises and experience adrenaline (consider upper body workouts). We can still train with teammates (connect with others in the DefyOdds community). We can still work towards scoring goals and achieving milestones, just in a different way. 

This is also a good season to explore new interests that we otherwise would not have - it's what led to DefyOdds being formed. Who knows what your quest may lead to?

The season will pass before we know it - work hard, and embrace the experience. Pain is temporary. We got this.