why athletes often fall into depression after injury



Injuries are one of the toughest things an athlete will handle. There are various factors at play regarding how well they will cope with the injury, severity, time of the season, history of previous injuries, and social support. 

An off-season injury that causes a two week lay-off is vastly different than the beginning of the season-ending injury. 

Often, athletes simply do not deal well with injuries either. Here is why they could be struggling through depression as well. 

First, their primary coping skill has been removed. 

The way athletes cope with life is through their sport. If they are performing well and having success, then life just seems to fit and work itself out. Even if life is rough off the field, they have their sport to fall-back on and use it as an escape or channel the frustration into their sport. How they’ve dealt with issues outside of sport can no longer be used. 

Second, their identity is shaken and questioned. 

Often, they feel like they have lost the most precious part of who they are, how they contribute, and how others see them. It adds to the frustration, grieving, and simply not know how to deal. 

Third, their support system is removed. 

They immediately feel like a lesser part of the team; even their rehab is done away from the team practice. They may be present for the games, but the experience, locker room, and pre-and post-game often feels different. 

Coaches still must focus on the team, so it becomes difficult for even well-intentioned and supportive coaches to properly meet the injured athletes needs. They must rely heavily on the support staff. 

Lastly, they isolate. 

When athletes lose the relationships and connections, is when they are most vulnerable. They can feel worthless and a loss of confidence adds to their isolation. Their normal socializing activities and people can easily change. 

Add the pain and stress of an actual injury, remove part of their identity, and change their role and support system, and it becomes obvious why your injured athletes could be struggling through depression. 

They will experience a wide variety of emotions. All of these behaviors and feelings are normal and expected. They may become angry, sad, and may lash out at people close to them, or simply not make the best decisions. Injuries are one of the toughest events that athletes will handle. 

If interested in helping injured athletes, download two infographics below:



DR.ROB BELL is a Sport Psychology Coach and founder of DRB & Associates, based in Indianapolis.  Some of his notable clients have included: Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens. He has been the mental performance coach for winners on the PGA Tour, Tour, Olympic Medalists, and the USTA National Champion. Not only is the author of six books on mental toughness (check out his books), but he has been featured on ESPN, The Golf Channel, Runner’s World, NY Times, and & Stack Magazine. He s also the host of a mental toughness podcast, where he interviews expert athletes and coaches about Mental Strength and their Hinge Moment.